Creating a New Thread

Here we'll explain the process of creating a new discussion thread. Once you've logged into your account, you'll be taken to the main page of the forum and presented with a variety of boards, each defined by a unique topic of discussion. By clicking on a board, you'll be taken to the thread listing page with all of the available threads to read and reply to.

On thread listing pages, column headings will be titled Subject, Created by, Replies, Views, and Last Post. In the top right corner above the Last Post column, you will see a button labeled "Create Thread".

If this button is not displayed, forum staff may have restricted regular members from creating new threads, or you aren't yet logged into your forum account as most forums restrict non-members from creating new threads. If you do not have a member account on the forum you are visiting, you will need to create one before being able to create a new discussion thread.

"Create Thread" posting page

Once you have found and clicked on the "Create Thread" button, you'll be brought to the posting page where you will begin to create your new thread for other members to participate in. Each section of the Post Message page is explained below:

Subject: The Subject should indicate the discussion topic of the thread and is what users see when they visit thread listing pages. Subject lines can be up to 50 characters in length and can include letters, numbers and spaces.

Add Poll: This button will allow you to attach a poll to your new thread, allowing other members to vote for specific items. To add a poll to your new thread, click this "Add Poll" button and you will be presented with a pop-up window. In this pop-up, you'll be asked for the following:

Poll Question: This will be the question you ask for your poll. What you type here will depend on what you want the voting poll to be about.

Poll Answers: Here you will enter in the different options to provide to other members to vote for. You will be presented with five poll answer fields at first, but you can add more by clicking the "add more" link, allowing you to add up to fifty poll answers if needed. Your poll must have at least 2 answers to choose from.

Poll Options: In this area, you'll be able to define how many answers member's are allowed to choose when voting in the poll. You can also set a date and time for when the poll gets locked, preventing further voting in the poll, as well as when to show the results of the poll to members.

After you have everything in place, click the "Add Poll" button found at the bottom of the pop-up window and the poll will be added to your thread once it's created.

Add Event: If the forum calendar is enabled, and your account is in a member group that has permission to add events to the calendar, the "Add Event" button will be available to you. If you would like to add an entry to the forum's calendar that will link back to your thread once it's created, you can do so here. After you click the Add Event button, a window will pop up asking you for a date and time for the event, as well as an end date if needed. Once you have the details filled out, click the "Add Event" button found at the bottom of the pop-up window and an event will be created in the forum calendar after you have created your new thread.

Add Attachment: If the forum staff has attachments enabled, you will see this button on the posting page. After you click the Add Attachment button, a new window will pop up letting you know how many files you can upload at a time, along with what the file size limit per attachment is. To attach a file, click the "+ Add Files..." button, and then choose a file that you would like to upload from the Browse window that pops up. Once you choose a file, you will see a progress bar for the attachment that is uploading.

Once the attachment has been made, you can use the "Insert" button to have the attachment appear inline within your post, or you can use the "Delete" button if you decide against adding an attachment. Otherwise, you can click the "Done" button found at the bottom of the pop-up window and your attachment file will appear at the very end of your post after your thread has been made.

Post Options: To the right of the subject bar, you'll see a drop-down menu labeled with a image. This is the Post Options menu. The options you might find here will depend on what privileges your account has on the forum. Below is a breakdown of the various options along with what they will do:

Bookmark: If you choose this option, once your thread is created on the forum, it will be automatically added to your forum account's bookmarks list. If you select this option, it will change to "Unbookmark" the next time you open the Post Options menu to allow you to remove the bookmark.

Make Announcement: This option will make it so your new topic will be made as an announcement across the forum. When you choose this option, a box will pop up asking you if you would like to set an expiration date for the announcement. You can set one by clicking the "Add Expiration Date" checkbox and choosing a date from the calendar that pops up. When an announcement expires, your thread will remain on the forum, but it will only appear in the board that you have created the topic in, rather than appearing in every board available to view on the forum. Once you've added an announcement to your topic, this option will change to "Remove Announcement" the next time you open the Post Options menu if you decide against making your new topic an announcement.

Sticky: When this option is selected, your topic will be seen at the top of the topic listing at all times. If your topic is already stickied, this option will change to "Unsticky" if you decide against making the topic a sticky.

Lock: If you choose this option, regular members will not have the ability to reply to your topic once it's been created. If your topic is already locked, this option will change to "Unlock" if you decide against making your new topic as a locked thread.

Enable Falling: Choosing this option will make your topic fall down the topic listing page after other topics have been updated. Posting in a falling topic will not bump it back up the topic listing like traditional threads. If falling is already enabled on your topic, this option will change to Disable Falling the next time you open the Post Options menu.

Adding Styles to your Thread: Below the Subject bar are many buttons and menus that will allow you to change the style of your thread. These options range from changing the font style or color, along with things such as embedding a video or tagging another member. For more info on what each option does, visit the "Styling Your Posts" section of the help guide.

Once you have given your new topic a subject title along with a message, simply click the "Create Thread" button. Your thread will be created and will be able to be found in the thread listing for the board that you are visiting within a forum.


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