Searching for content by date and time

When searching for specific content, you may recall around the time frame that the content you're looking for was posted in. If you want to refine your search results based on time, you can use the filters provided in the "When to search..." category of the search page. In this category you'll find the following options:

"posted within the last __ days __ hours": This filter allows you to adjust your search results based on a time frame that the content was created. For example, if you know the content you're searching for was created within the last week, you could search the last 7 days and 0 hours. Likewise, if you know the content was created recently, you could search 0 days and 6 hours to refine your search results with content that was posted in the last 6 hours.

"between the dates __ to __": Using this filter, you can refine your search results between a certain amount of time. This filter is best used when you know the content you are looking for wasn't made recently, so you can filter out results from content that was posted recently, as well as filter out results for content that was created long ago. To use this filter, click the first box and with the calendar that pops up, choose the earliest date that the content could have been posted in. Then click the second box to bring up the calendar once more to choose the latest possible date that the content could have been posted in. Once you have made your selections, you should see the the date listed in a Year / Month / Day format.

"only on the exact date": If you know the day the content you're searching for was posted on, then this would be the best time filter for you to use to help you refine your search results. To use this filter, simply click on the box provided to the right of the listed option, then use the mini calendar to select the specific date that you are looking for. Once the date has been selected, you'll see it listed in the text box in the Year / Month / Day format.

"before the date": If you know that the content you're looking for was not created recently, you can use this option to filter out potential search results that have been posted recently. To use this filter, click on the text box to the right of this option and a mini-calendar will display. Using the calendar, select the date that you want to search before and when selected, you'll see the date listed in the Year / Month / Day format in the text box provided.


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